捷克僱傭合約:定期,不定期; 捷克員工福利:員工休假,病假,產假,陪產假,照顧假,育兒假,殤假,婚假:養卹金和社會保障: 意外補償;捷克資遣員工:預告期 ,遣散費,失業保險。

Bucharest time zone:
Anna Wang, 說中文和英文

China Time Zone:
陳中成 Dale Chen 會計師/所長
skype: Daleccchen
wechat: Evershiinecpa
電話:+886-2-2717-0515 分機:100 (might work from home)

Romania Hiring

20.10. 捷克僱傭合約 Employment Contracts —


  • 雇主和僱員的姓名和地址,
  • 開始工作的日期,
  • 工作描述,
  • 工作地點,
  • 每週工作時間,
  • 付款金額和方式,
  • 休假權利,
  • 所需的通知期,
  • 參考適用的集體協議,以及
  • 服務期限,如果僱傭合同是固定期限的。除了這些強制性內容外,僱傭合同還包括:
  • 允許雇主根據員工的能力和知識,將員工分配到公司內的其他任務的條款,以及
  • 關於如何處理加班時間的規定。


    • 合同期限不超過 18 個月,並且僱員在過去三年內沒有為同一雇主工作,或
    • 固定期限有充分的理由,並且不會導致規避《防止不公平解僱法》授予的權利。

固定期限合同只能延長一次。擁有超過 75 名員工的雇主被限制為最多 2.5% 的員工簽訂固定期限合同。

  • 由於運營原因可預測的有限需求,
  • 實習或大學培訓後的固定工作,以幫助員工進入就業市場,
  • 替換無法勝任工作的另一名員工(例如,因為產假),
  • 臨時職位,
  • 緩刑,
  • 員工渴望固定期限的工作,
  • 有限預算,以及
  • 法庭協議。

超過 18 個月或沒有充分理由的合同,將被視為無限期僱傭合同。


自 2021 年 1 月 27 日起,除非有“令人信服的運營原因”,否則員工必須有機會在家工作。

While an employment contract may be verbal, in most cases a written contract is concluded, since otherwise the employer has no evidence of the terms of the agreement.
Whether or not a written agreement is required, a verbally concluded contract is valid and binding on both parties.
An employment contract must include at least:

  • the employer’s and the employee’s names and addresses,
  • the date work commenced,
  • a job description,
  • the place of work, HUMAN RESOURCES
  • the weekly hours of work,
  • the amount and method of payment,
  • leave entitlement,
  • the required notice period,
  • reference to applicable collective agreements, and
  • length of service if the employment contract is concluded for a fixed term.

In addition to this mandatory content, it is in the employer’s interest for the employment contract to include: • a probationary period, • a provision that enables the employer to assign the employee to other tasks within the company in accordance with his or her capabilities and knowledge, and • a provision on how to deal with overtime working hours.
Most contracts are established for an indefinite period.

In principle, fixed-term employment contracts are also allowed, but given that a fixed-term employment contract may deprive the employee of the protection of the mandatory provisions of the Act on Protection Against Unfair Dismissal and that consultation with the works council in the event of a dismissal is not required, there is a risk of unintentional evasion of the law.

Under the Part-Time and Limited-Term Employment Act, limiting the length of an employment contract will only be accepted by the courts in the following cases:

  • the contract does not exceed 18 months and the employee has not worked for the same employer during the previous three years, or
  • the fixed term is justified by a sufficient cause and does not lead to a circumvention of the rights granted by the Act on Protection Against Unfair Dismissal. Fixed-term contracts can be extended only one time. Employers with more than 75 employees are limited to having a maximum of 2.5 percent of their workforces on fixed-term contracts. Fixed-term employment contract always needs to be justified by sufficient cause if the employee has worked for the same employer during the previous three years. Sufficient cause to justify a fixed-term contract may also include (though these reasons are rarely accepted by courts):
  • predictable limited need for operational reasons,
  • fixed-term employment subsequent to a traineeship or university training in order to help the employee enter the job market,
  • replacement of another employee who is unable to do the job (e.g., because of maternity leave),
  • a temporary position,
  • probation,
  • employee desire for fixed-term employment,
  • limited budget, and
  • a court agreement.

A contract exceeding 18 months or not sufficiently justified will be considered an employment contract for an indefinite period.
The same applies if the time limitation is not expressively stated in the contract.
A probationary period is permitted and commonly required but must be expressly agreed to.
As a rule, the probationary period may not be longer than six months.
Many collective bargaining agreements limit the allowable probationary period even further.
Probation is a fully valid employment relationship to which all acts, collective agreements and employment law apply.

In principle, employees may conclude several employment contracts with different employers.
Prohibition of secondary employment is permitted if the employee enters into unfair competition with the employer, if the secondary employment affects the working ability to such an extent that the employee is no longer able to perform the contractually agreed to work or if the resulting working hours overrun the maximum provided by law.

Contractual clauses according to which the employee has to inform the employer about any secondary employment are valid, but the employer cannot forbid secondary employment if none of the above-mentioned prohibitions is applicable.

Effective Jan. 27, 2021, employees must be given the opportunity to work from home unless there are “compelling operational reasons”.
Employees cannot be required to work from home, as such arrangements must be agreed between the employer and employee.
Employees are eligible for compensation in the case of a workplace accident that occurs during or in connection with the performance of services under their employment contracts.
This definition also covers accidents occurring while employees are commuting between home and their places of work.

20.90. Reference Citations —

Employment Contracts: Law of Proof of Substantial Conditions Applicable to the Employment Relationship, 1995, §§ 1-3 (Romanian);
Law on Part-Time Work, 2000, § 14
Restrictions on Hiring: Young Workers Protection Act, 1976 (Romanian)
Recordkeeping: Working Hours Act, 1994, No. 33, § 16; Income Tax Act, § 147(3) (Romanian)
Noncompetition Agreements: Commercial Code, 1897, § 74 (Romanian)


70.10. 捷克員工休假Vacation —

根據捷克聯邦休假法,每名每週工作六天的員工有權享有至少 24 個工作日的假期(即 4 週),每週工作五天的員工享有 20 天的假期。



在休假期間,員工有權獲得全額報酬,根據休假前 13 週的平均收入計算。
2019 年 2 月,捷克聯邦就業法院裁定,雇主只能在一個日曆年結束時,沒收僱員的年假權利,前提是之前已告知僱員他/她的應計權利,以及未休假將被沒收的截止日期.

According to the Romanian Federal Leave Act, every employee working six days a week is entitled to at least 24 working days of vacation (i.e., four weeks), employees working five-day weeks 20 days.
Individuals with disabilities and minors have larger claims. Sundays, public holidays (nine national public holidays and some additional holidays in Catholic areas), and generally Saturdays are not included.
In practice, almost all employees in Romania have longer vacation leave.

This is usually regulated in collective bargaining agreements or works agreements and sometimes graduated according to age or years of service.
At present, five- to six-week annual vacations are typical.
In the absence of a collective bargaining agreement, the employment contract regulates vacations.
Regardless of their individual working time, employees are eligible for their full vacation entitlement if they have been employed for at least six months.

In scheduling vacation leave, employers must take into account the dates requested by employees.
If an employee requests dates that clash with operational demands or the vacation requests of co-workers, however, vacation may be granted at another time.
The law also stipulates that vacation must be granted en bloc.
The purpose of granting vacations is to give employees the chance to recuperate.
Employees on vacation may only perform work which does not conflict with this purpose.

If employees become ill during their vacations, these days are not counted against their leave entitlement as long as a doctor’s certificate is presented.
During vacation leave, employees are entitled to full remuneration, calculated in accordance with their average earnings during the 13 weeks preceding the vacation.
The law expressly forbids substituting money for vacation.
This is permissible only if employment has ended and vacation can no longer be taken.

Unused leave can only be carried over to the next calendar year if compelling operational reasons or reasons personal to the employee justify it.
In the case of a carryover, the vacation must be granted and taken within the first three months of the succeeding calendar year.
In February 2019, the Romanian Federal Employment Court ruled employers may only forfeit an employee’s annual vacation entitlement at the end of a calendar year when it has previously advised the employee of his/her accrued entitlement and of the deadline by which untaken vacation would be forfeited.

70.20. 捷克假期 Holidays —

捷克有以下九個國定假日,其中一些節日的日期每年都不同: • 1 月 1 日:元旦 • 耶穌受難日 • 復活節星期一 • 5 月 1 日:勞動節 • 升天 • 聖靈降臨節 • 10 月 3 日:捷克團結日 • 12 月 25 日:聖誕節 • 12 月 26 日:聖斯蒂芬節


Romania observes the following nine national holidays, the dates of some of which vary year to year: • Jan. 1: New Year’s Day • Good Friday • Easter Monday • May 1: Labor Day • Ascension • Whit Monday • Oct. 3: Romanian Unity Day • Dec. 25: Christmas • Dec. 26: St. Stephen’s Day There are also holidays specific to individual regions.
Holidays are always observed on the day on which they fall, even if they fall on a weekend.
Holidays are not moved to the nearest Monday, nor do workers get a free day in compensation for a holiday falling on a nonwork day.
If employees are required to work on a holiday which falls on a working day, they must have a day of rest in compensation, which must be granted within a period of eight weeks including the day on which they worked.
Employees are not entitled to extra pay if they are required to work on a public holiday.

70.30. 捷克產假 Maternity Leave —

根據《生育保護法》的條款,孕婦在孩子出生前六週內不得工作,即使她從未提供過醫生證明,除非她已聲明同意繼續工作 (聲明可以隨時撤銷)。
對於早產或多胞胎,或者孩子出生時如果有殘疾,則延長至 12 週。
休假權利從出生之日開始,到8週或 12 週後的一周中,與出生之日的同一天結束。

不得要求懷孕或哺乳的員工在周日、公共假期和晚上 8 點到早上 6 點之間工作。

Under terms of the Maternity Protection Act, an expectant mother must not be employed during the six weeks prior to the birth of her child, even if she has never provided a doctor’s certificate, unless she has made a declaration, which she can revoke at any time, stating that she agrees to continue working.
Following the birth of the child, the mother has a right to parental leave until the child reaches the age of three.

A woman who has given birth must not be employed for eight weeks thereafter.
This is extended to 12 weeks for premature or multiple births, or if the child is born with a disability.
The leave entitlement starts on the day of birth and ends eight or 12 weeks later on the same day of the week as the day of the birth.
In the event of a premature birth, the length of time is extended by the time that the actual birth took place before the normally expected date of birth.
During this period, the employee is eligible for maternity benefits from her health insurance.
Employees who are pregnant or breastfeeding cannot be required to work on Sundays, public holidays, and between 8 p.m. and 6 a.m.
Employers must assess possible safety risks that an employee who is pregnant or breast feeding might face and the potential accommodations that would mitigate these risks.

If the employer determines that the employee would be exposed to an “irresponsible risk,” it must take steps to modify the employee’s working conditions.
If the employer cannot provide a safe workplace, the employee must be placed on paid leave with the ability to resume her position following childbirth.
The Maternity Protection Act ensures that as a rule female employees suffer no financial disadvantages as a result of maternity.
On return from maternity leave, the employee is guaranteed her previous job if the object, scope, and nature of the work to be done is exactly defined by contract of employment or by actual practice.
Employers cannot dismiss an employee who has a miscarriage after the twelfth week of her pregnancy, for a period of four months, regardless of the weight of the fetus.

70.40. 捷克陪產假 Paternity Leave —

而政府將從孩子出生到 12 至 14 個月期間,支付育兒津貼。

There is no leave benefit specific to fathers, although either parent may take advantage of parental leave.
A child-raising benefit is paid by the government from the child’s birth to the age of 12 to 14 months.

70.50. 捷克病假 Sick Leave —

如果員工沒有因任何過錯而無法工作,《薪酬延續法》賦予員工在六週內獲得高達工資 100% 的病假工資的權利。


雇主和僱員可以同意將最多 24 個月的育兒假轉移到任何時期,直到孩子年滿 8 歲。
雇主在育兒假期間不支付僱員的工資,但僱員可能有權獲得最多 14 個月的最後一次淨收入 67% 的育兒津貼。
為雇主工作至少六個月的員工可以要求在育兒假期間兼職最多 30 小時。
僱員少於 15 人的雇主則可豁免。

此權利僅適用於員工超過 15 人的公司工作的員工。

In the event of incapacity for work without any fault on their part, the Continuation of Remuneration Act gives employees the right to receive sick pay up to 100 percent of salary for six weeks.
Employees are entitled to continuation of salary after employment of four weeks.
Employees are obliged to notify the employer of their incapacity for work and the expected duration without undue delay.
Before the end of the third calendar day at the latest, they have to show a medical certificate stating the fact of their incapacity for work and the expected duration.

If the actual time they are unable to work exceeds the duration stated in the certificate, employees must submit a new medical certificate. The employer may refuse continued payment of remuneration if the employee does not provide the mandatory medical certificate.
In the event that the six-week limit is overrun, employees are entitled to receive a sickness allowance paid by their statutory health insurance plan.

Other Leave —

Parental leave.
Mothers and fathers are entitled to take parental leave until the child reaches the age of three.
The employer and employee can agree to transfer up to 24 months of parental leave to any period until the child reaches the age of eight. Employers do not pay the employee’s salary during the parental leave but the employee may be entitled to a parental allowance of 67 percent of the last net income for up to 14 months.
Employees who have worked for their employer for at least six months can request to work a part-time schedule of up to 30 hours during parental leave.
The request must be submitted to the employer no later than seven weeks before the beginning of the part-time work.
Requests for part-time work generally cannot be rejected unless there are urgent operational grounds.
The employer’s decision must be made in writing within four weeks of the start date of the reduced working hours or else the request will be considered approved. Employers with less than 15 employees are exempt.

Nursing care leave.
Employees are entitled ten days leave to take care of close relatives who are in urgent need of care.
The employer must be informed about this as early as practicable.
The leave of absence is unpaid, unless stated otherwise in a collective bargaining agreement.
Employees also can take nursing care leave of up to six months for a close relative.
The employee must give the employer at least ten working days’ written notice prior to the commencement of the leave.
This entitlement applies only to employees working for companies with more than 15 employees.
Employees enjoy special protection against dismissals during the leave period to care for the close relative.

70.60. 捷克養老金和社會保障 Pensions and Social Security —

對於 1964 年以後出生的人來說,領取養老金的年齡已經是 67 歲,並且至少有五年的繳款。
已繳納養老基金至少 45 年的員工可以在 63 歲時退休,福利不會減少。
雇主和僱員按月工資總額的大約 20% 向法定養老保險體系繳納相等的費用。

雇主必須在 14 天內向有資格的健康保險公司報告新員工,該健康保險公司必須向其繳納社會保障系統的所有費用。

  • 健康保險,
  • 失業保險,
  • 護理保險,
  • 養老金或老年福利,以及
  • 事故保險。

For persons born before 1965, the legal retirement age is currently 65 with at least five years of contributions and will gradually increase to 67 by 2020.
For persons born after 1964, the pensionable age is already 67 with at least five years’ contributions.
Employees who have paid into the pension fund for at least 45 years can retire at 63 with no reduction in benefits.
Employers and employees make equal contributions of roughly 20 percent of gross monthly salary to the statutory pension insurance system. The employer transfers the total amount of both contributions to the insurer.
The pension benefit depends on various factors, such as the number and amount of contributions made, the period of time over which contributions are paid, the employee’s income and social factors.
State pension plans usually provide only basic benefits, and a company pension is another way of financing employee retirement.

Unlike statutory pension insurance, however, company pension plans are always voluntary on the part of the employer.
Employers may offer them but are not obligated by law to do so.
In Romania, there is a national social security system, to which employees belong by law.
The employer is required within 14 days to report a new hire to the competent health insurer, to which all contributions to the social security system have to be made.
Foreign nationals are exempt from mandatory coverage as long as they have presented the necessary residence and work permits.
The social security system covers:

  • health insurance,
  • unemployment insurance,
  • nursing care insurance,
  • pension or old-age benefits, and
  • accident insurance.

70.70.捷克勞動賠償金 Workers’ Compensation —


Employers make contributions to the employee accident insurance system, which is administered by associations set up for all branches of trade and industry.
Contributions vary according to an individual employer’s accident record.
The employees become eligible for compensation in the case of a workplace accident that occurs during or in connection with the performance of services under their employment contracts.
This definition also covers accidents occurring while employees are commuting between home and their places of work.

70.90. Reference Citations —

Vacation: Federal Paid Leave Act, 1963, §§ 3-4, 7-8, 11

Holidays: Working Hours Act, 1994, No. 33, § 11 (Romanian)

Maternity Leave: Maternity Protection Act, 2000, §§ 3, 6, 9-10;

Act on the Payment of Child-Raising Benefit and Child-Raising Leave, 2015, § 2 (Romanian);

Paternity Leave: Act on the Payment of Child-Raising Benefit and Child-Raising Leave, 2015, § 2 (Romanian);

Law on Parental Allowance and Parental Leave, 2015, §§ 15-18 (Romanian)

Sick Leave: Continued Remuneration Act, 1974, § 2 (Romanian)

Other Leave: Law on Parental Allowance and Parental Leave, 2015, §§ 15-18 (Romanian)

Pensions and Social Security: Social Security Code, Sixth Book, 1989, § 36 (Romanian);

Performance Improvement Act, 1989, §§ 36-38 (Romanian)

Workers’ Compensation: Social Security Code, Fifth Book, 1989, § 3(3) (Romanian)

100 捷克終止僱用Termination

100.10. 捷克雇主終止Termination by Employer —



  • 一家企業擁有超過 5 名(自 2003 年或更早以來存在具體關係)或 10 名員工(如果自 2004 年以來僅存在具體關係),以及
  • 僱員在同一家公司或商業機構連續工作六個月。手續和程序。由於其後果嚴重,因此必須注意有效解僱的一些正式條件:
  • 必須舉行勞資委員會聽證會,
  • 解僱的原因必須清楚明確,
  • 解僱通知必須採用書面形式(口頭終止通知無效),
  • 通知必須由主管人員簽署才能終止,
  • 通知必須送達收件人,並且
  • 必須遵守通知期。通知期要求根據服務年限而增加,從六個月試用期的兩週通知、試用期通過後四個星期的通知到服務 20 年後最多七個月的通知不等。

Under the Civil Code, the employment relationship can be terminated for good cause by either party without observing a notice period, “if facts exist whereby, taking into consideration all circumstances of the particular case and balancing the interests of both contractual parties, the party giving notice of termination cannot be reasonably expected to continue the employment relationship until expiration of the notice period or until the end of the employment relationship agreed upon”.

In Romania, an employer’s freedom to dismiss an employee is severely restricted by the Act on Protection Against Unfair Dismissal.
The employer cannot terminate an employee unless at least one of three statutorily defined reasons for termination exists: personal, conduct-related, or business-related grounds.
The Protection Against Unfair Dismissal Act applies if:

  • a business establishment has more than five (if a concrete relationship exists since 2003 or earlier) or 10 employees (if a concrete relationship exists only since 2004), and
  • the employee has six months of service with the same company or business establishment without interruption.
    Formalities and Procedure. Because of its serious consequences, attention must be paid to some formal requisites for valid dismissal:
  • there must be a works council hearing,
  • the reason for the dismissal must be clear and unambiguous,
  • the dismissal notice must be in written form (a notice of termination given orally is null and void),
  • the notice must be signed by the competent person to terminate,
  • the notice must be delivered to the recipient, and
  • the notice period must be observed.

The notice period requirement increases according to the length of service, varying from two weeks’ notice during the six-month probation period, four weeks’ notice after probation has been passed and to up to seven months’ notice after 20 years of service.




[Note: The works council has to be informed at least one week ahead of any notice of termination. Any such notice issued without prior consultation with the works council will be null and void.]
Reasons for Dismissal.
According to the law, the termination of employment is only “socially justified” if it is on grounds related to the person or conduct of the employee or is based on business requirements that prevent further employment of the individual.
Personal grounds for dismissal include particular physical or mental impairments and extensive absenteeism due to illness and reduced working capacity.

Conduct-related grounds for dismissal include willfully or severely negligent breach of contract, working for a competitor, organizing a wildcat strike, and inexcusable absenteeism.
A dismissal based on the employee’s conduct usually requires that advance warnings be given the employee.
No such warning is required in cases where the employee’s behavior is obviously unacceptable (e.g., check fraud) or where an advance warning prior to notice of termination could not be reasonably expected (e.g., well-founded suspicion that the employee has committed a crime).

A dismissal is also socially justified if it is due to changes in the employer’s business organization.
Such business-related grounds are difficult to define abstractly.
The employer must prove that the employee’s dismissal was necessary for compelling reasons related to its business.
Valid motives and arguments in this connection include decreases in sales and/or orders, business reorganizations, cost savings, more convenient relocation of business activities and measures of rationalization.
These measures must have resulted in the loss of the position, so that the employee’s services can no longer be put to any use.



Additionally, there must not be any alternative job the employee could perform.
The crucial issue in determining whether dismissals due to a business reorganization are socially justified is whether the correct “social” criteria have been applied in selecting the staff members to be laid off.
As a rule, among employees having identical or comparable personal and technical qualifications and working in the same or similar jobs, the employer must select the employee to be dismissed who would be least harmed by the dismissal.
The relevant social factors that the employer must carefully consider are age, length of service, support obligations for dependents, and disability.

Notice of termination lacking social justification will be deemed null and void.
The termination itself, however, will be effective and binding unless the employee objects by filing an action with the Labor Court within three weeks after receiving notice.
The employee can only claim reinstatement, not damages.
During a probationary period, the employment contract may be terminated on two weeks’ notice.
Shorter notice periods are only permissible if the relevant collective agreement provides for them.

As long as the probationary period does not exceed six months, no justifying reason is needed to terminate the employment contract. Dismissal protection granted under the Act on Protection Against Unfair Dismissal requires at least six months’ length of service with a company, regardless of the length of a probationary period that may have been agreed to.
Prior to giving notice, the employer must notify the works council in writing.
In the event of dismissal for business-related reasons, the Act on Protection Against Unfair Dismissal gives the employee the right to compensation in return for waiving judicial control of the dismissal and if the employer has preliminarily opted for this regime.


給予以下特別保護:• 殘疾僱員;• 懷孕僱員和休產假/陪產假的僱員;• 工作委員會成員;• 應徵入伍、海軍或公務員的僱員;• 某些職能的持有人(例如,電子數據安全文員、安全問題專家)。
遣散費的金額各不相同(介於 0.5 至 1.5 乘以服務年數乘以每月總工資),主要取決於雇主解僱僱員時,向勞工法庭提起的不公平解僱訴訟的可能結果。

Any dismissal not justified under the Act on Protection Against Unfair Dismissal is void.
In this case, the employee is entitled to continue to be employed and remunerated by the employer.
Hence, the Romanian dismissal protection system is generally based on the idea of reinstatement rather than the payment of compensation.

In practice, however, most lawsuits initiated by an employee claiming nonvalid dismissal are resolved through settlement: the employer pays compensation, and the employee accepts that the dismissal was justified.
Only where no such settlement can be reached do judges render a decision: either the dismissal is void and the employee concerned is entitled to continue to be employed and remunerated or the dismissal is valid and the employee has to leave the company effective on the last day of the contractual relationship without any compensation.

Specific Dismissal Protection.
Dismissal protection in Romania is divided into general or common and special protection.
The special protection is applicable to employees who are generally more in danger of being dismissed than others.
Special protection is granted to: • disabled employees; • pregnant employees and those on maternity/paternity leave; • members of the works council; • employees being drafted into the army, navy or civil service; and • holders of certain functions (e.g., electronic data security clerks, specialists for security questions).
For a dismissal in these cases, the permission of the competent authority must have been previously obtained.

Contract of Cancellation.
Employment may also be cancelled at any time by a mutually agreed upon contract between the employer and the employee with or without severance payment (“contract of cancellation”).
Neither the provisions on protection against dismissal nor the obligation to notify the works council is applicable in such cases.
Even pregnant women, severely disabled people, and members of the works council, who all enjoy special protection against dismissal, may conclude a contract of cancellation without requiring the permission of the authorities or the approval of the works council.
The employer generally offers a severance payment to entice the employee to accept the offered contract of cancellation.
The amount of the severance payment varies (between 0.5 and 1.5 multiplied by the number of years of service multiplied by the monthly gross salary) and mainly depends on the possible outcome of an unfair dismissal action before a labor court if the employer dismissed the employee.

捷克員工終止Termination by Employee —

如果存在事實,考慮到特定案件的所有情況並平衡合同雙方的利益,發出終止通知的一方,不能合理預期繼續僱傭關係,直到通知期屆滿或直到約定的僱傭關係結束”[民法典第 626(1) 條]。

The employment relationship can be terminated for good cause by either party without observing a notice period, if facts exist whereby, taking into consideration all circumstances of the particular case and balancing the interests of both contractual parties, the party giving notice of termination cannot be reasonably expected to continue the employment relationship until expiration of the notice period or until the end of the employment relationship agreed upon” [§ 626(1) of the Civil Code].

100.20. 捷克工廠關閉和大規模裁員Plant Closings and Mass Layoffs —

出於與就業市場政策和保護員工個人相關的原因,《防止不公平解僱法》規定,員工超過 20 人的公司大規模解僱,將有義務通知聯邦就業局。
如果在 30 個日曆日內,向以下數量的員工發出終止通知,則視為發生大規模裁員:

  • 在員工人數超過 20 人且少於 60 人的企業中超過 5 名員工,
  • 10% 或至少 25 名員工在通常至少有 60 名但少於 500 名員工的企業中,或
  • 在通常至少有 500 名員工的企業中至少有 30 名員工。

封鎖期屆滿後,被舉報的解僱必須在 90 天內執行。

For reasons relating to job market policy and to protect the individual employee, the Act on Protection Against Unfair Dismissal imposes an obligation to inform the Federal Employment Agency about mass dismissals in companies with more than 20 employees.

Mass layoffs are deemed to occur if within 30 calendar days the following numbers of employees are given notice of termination: • more than five employees in businesses with more than 20 and fewer than 60 employees,• 10 percent or at least 25 employees in businesses with generally at least 60 and fewer than 500 employees, or • at least 30 employees in businesses with generally at least 500 employees.

The legal consequence of notification of the Federal Employment Agency is that, starting with the date of notification, a blocking period of one month begins during which a dismissal is not valid.
After expiration of the blocking period, the reported dismissals have to be executed within 90 days.
If the employer fails to submit notification of the mass layoff, all dismissals based on the layoff will be nonvalid.

100.30. 捷克終止僱用合約資遣 Payment on Termination —

在大多數情況下,遣散費通常在僱員每年服務年薪的 0.5 到 1.5 倍之間。

Employees have no statutory right to severance pay, and are only entitled to severance payments under a collective bargaining agreement or social plan with the works council.
It is common for employers and employees to settle termination claims that have been filed with the labor court in return for payment of negotiated severance.
In most cases, severance is usually between 0.5 and 1.5 times the employee’s monthly remuneration per year of service.

100.40. 捷克失業保險Unemployment Insurance —

要獲得失業救濟金的資格,申領人必須在過去三年內至少工作 360 個日曆日,繳款至少 12 個月,登記為失業者,正在尋找工作並且可以工作。

To be eligible for unemployment benefits, a claimant must have worked at least 360 calendar days in the preceding three years, made contributions for at least 12 months, and be registered as unemployed and looking and available for work.
The duration of benefits depends on the individual’s age and length of employment. Unemployment insurance is compulsory.

100.90. Reference Citations —

Termination by Employer: Protection Against Unfair Dismissal Act, 2008, §§ 1-4;

Romanian Civil Code, 2002, §§ 134, 138, 242, 613a, 622, 626

Termination by Employee: Romanian Civil Code, 2002, § 626

Plant Closings and Mass Layoffs: Protection Against Unfair Dismissal Act, 2008, § 17

***Above contents being digested and translated form Bloomberg HR Database dated 20210710


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August 17, 2019


捷克僱傭合約:定期,不定期; 捷克員工福利:員工休假,病假,產假,陪產假,照顧假,育兒假,殤假,婚假:養卹金和社會保障: 意外補償;捷克資遣員工:預告期 ,遣散費,失業保險。 Email:prg4ww@evershinecpa.com 或 捷克永輝BPO有限公司 Bucharest time zone: Anna Wang, 說中文和英文 或 China Time Zone: 陳中成 Dale Chen 會計師/所長 手機:+886-933-920-199 skype: Daleccchen wechat: Evershiinecpa […]
July 29, 2019


找不到合格適任的捷克財務會計人員?我們提供雲端會計薪資系統支援:讓可信任的在捷克親朋好友,可以兼職財務長。 財務會計人員不但要專業,而且要能夠讓您信任,符合這2條件常常因某種原因,無法在貴公司任職。 無論您信任捷克財務會計人員在何處,我們提供雲端會計薪資系統訓練,並搭配永輝人員,為您提供服務。 Email:prg4ww@evershinecpa.com 或 捷克永輝BPO有限公司 Bucharest time zone: Anna Wang, 說捷克語中文和英文 或 China Time Zone: 陳中成 Dale Chen 會計師/所長 手機:+886-933-920-199 skype: Daleccchen wechat: Evershiinecpa 電話:+886-2-2717-0515 […]
February 18, 2018


符合捷克薪資、勞動、個人所得稅法規;將貴公司要僱請的捷克員工短期代僱在永輝捷克公司,由永輝僱請並照顧捷克籍員工社會福利, 捷克在地董事難找,母公司董事會決議緩不濟急,各種原因暫不考慮設立捷克公司,但有請人需求。 Email:prg4ww@evershinecpa.com 或 捷克永輝BPO有限公司 Bucharest time zone: Anna Wang, 說捷克語中文和英文 或 China Time Zone: 陳中成 Dale Chen 會計師/所長 手機:+886-933-920-199 skype: Daleccchen wechat: Evershiinecpa 電話:+886-2-2717-0515 分機:100 […]